Grant Guidelines
In order to accomplish the Foundation’s mission effectively and efficiently, the Board of Directors of the Oak Lake and Area Foundation have developed a thorough review process for grant applications.
All applicants will be required to complete and submit the completed Grant Application form by the September 30 deadline.
The following grant application guidelines have been approved for the use of agencies completing grant applications:
- Projects approved for granting must primarily benefit the people of Oak Lake and Area.
- Grants are made only to non-profit organizations with Revenue Canada Charitable Registration numbers or other qualified donees under the Income Tax Act.
- Grants are awarded for definite purposes and for projects covering a specific period of time.
- Preference will be given to projects which contribute to the community’s growing needs for artistic, cultural, recreational, educational and health related programs.
- Capital projects will be considered if there is a demonstrated need.
- Bursaries and scholarships are awarded to educational institutions and not to individuals.
- Pilot or demonstration projects must include provision for an evaluation and a realistic plan for financial viability beyond the pilot stage.
- The Foundation encourages the participation of others in funding projects and, on occasion, provides matching funds or challenge grants to stimulate increased responses from other sources.
- Grants are not made to support operating expenses of established organizations or programs.
- Grants are not made toward operating or capital deficits.
- The Foundation does not respond to annual fund drives for sustaining support.
- Grants are not made to establish or add to endowment funds.
- Grants are not ordinarily made o fund specific medical or scientific research projects.
- Grants are not made to religious organizations for direct religious activities.
- Grants are not made to promote political activities, support advocacy initiatives, or provide general conference support.
- All applicants will be required to complete a grant application form and supply requested reference information. A meeting with Foundation directors or staff may be required.
- Applicants receiving a grant will be required to submit a final report upon completion of the project.